Message from Chris Gibbs
30周年キャンペーンのエディトリアルに関しては、これまでと少し違うスペシャルな事をやりたいとの想いから、昔からの友人や家族を集めて「UNION 30 YEAR COLLECTION」を着用してもらって撮影を行うことにしました。
UNIONは私が創業した訳ではありません。Mary Ann が NY で32年前にお店をスタートさせ、Eddie(Cruz) がLAのお店を30年も前に(まだ私がNYからLAに移る以前に)オープンしていました。私自身は(LAストアは)1996 年から携わってきましたが、唯一長年を捧げてきた仕事ということもあり、この30周年が私にとっても非常にスペシャルだという事実は変わりません。
30年前から今に至るまで、ずっとサポートしてくれているUNION LAの顧客様から、最近常連になってくれたお客様方も沢山来てくれました。
そして犬達……沢山の犬達がいました! 写真を改めて確認してみて、沢山の犬達が私の中の起業家マインドがUNION PETストアをオープンする必要性を訴えかけてきましたが……本題から逸れますね。。
今年は30周年のアニバーサリーで沢山のFLY SHIT(クールな商品)をリリースする予定があります。
Peace Y’all
For the campaign editorial we decided to do something a little different, a little special. We had as many of our fiends and family for over the years take photos wearing the collection. on a side note, despite the fact that I didn’t start the store; Mary Ann did in New York City some 32 years ago, and Eddie opened the LA store over 10 years before I moved to Los Angeles. The fact still remains that this 30 year anniversary has been very personal for me. I have been here since 96 and it’s pretty much the only adult job I have ever had. It was really touching and heart warming seeing all of our friends and family come out and really show support for us, and I want to thank them all!!! We had OG heads that were here from day one, people who laid the foundation for Union and I. I am truly honored and thankful for what they started. We had staff roll through, past, present, and maybe even some future staff; all people who contributed their blood, sweat and tears so we could be here. We had some customers that have been shopping and supporting the store for the entire 30 years and some who may have only discovered us this year…and everything in between. We had friends who have stood by me when times were tough. I remember when I first moved to Los Angeles, I couldn’t even get the job here, I was denied and had to bust my ass to prove I was worthy….and we have dogs…tons and tons of dogs!!!! After reviewing all the pictures, and seeing all the fucking dogs (my own included), the entrepreneur in me wonders if we need to open a UNION Pet store, but I digress…
Seeing all these amazing friends of the store who continue to support, I can’t help but acknowledge that one of our principles, the one where we have always strived to not just sell you fly shit (y’all know we got you on that), but more than anything we have wanted to be a part of and help build a community. We have always tried to be inclusive and serve as social hub, a UNION if you will for the community and we will continue to do that! I am proud of what we have been able to accomplish and pledge to continue to serve you guys!
Yes this year we are celebrating our 30 year anniversary and in doing so we are releasing a bunch of fly shit (shameless plug) but please know, we haven’t forgotten who we are and where we came from and most importantly we haven’t forgotten all the funky fresh people that helped us get here. From the bottom of my heart.
Thank you!
One Love